在温尼伯市中心一家小型零废弃散装商品店的后方,一台手工制作的钢制装置可能为解决塑料垃圾问题带来希望。这台设备由一个固定在金属框架上的电动机连接到一个宽齿碎纸机,碎纸机被封闭在一个钢制料斗中。其功能是撕碎洗发水瓶、药瓶、果汁壶、外卖容器及其他塑料,并将它们变成小而色彩斑斓的碎片。这是Marisa Loreno和Helga Jakobson共同创办的Redo Waste计划的第一步,他们希望这一草根塑料回收项目能够逐步解决这一地球上最普遍的污染物之一。Jakobson说:“塑料无处不在,这是一个巨大的问题,但也是丰富的资源。”

Recent research estimates humans, on average, ingest a credit card worth of microscopic plastic bits every week. These micro plastics have been found in drinking water, lakes, rivers and oceans. Studies show plastic containers are leaching toxic chemicals into food, drinks, cosmetics and clothing. The risks to human health are still not fully understood.

Yet plastic waste keeps piling up. More than six million tonnes of plastic were generated for Canadian use in 2019 while nearly four million tonnes were thrown away. Only nine per cent is recycled, according to federal data. (来源:The Narwhal)


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